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Becoming Resilient (with audio meditation Gather Inward)

Apr 22, 2022
Becoming Resilient (with audio meditation Gather Inward)

We have the innate ability to learn resiliency. Whew. I felt relieved to learn that.

We all could use some resiliency right now. Resiliency is the ability to cope with all types of challenges and crises, whether it’s something that disappoints us, something that breaks our hearts, or some tragedy that takes us to our knees. Resiliency allows us to draw from our internal and external reserves to endure, recover, and even thrive.

How do we awaken our resiliency? Experts recommend the following tools:

- Mindfully acknowledging the challenges you are experiencing – we actually learn resilience through experiencing difficult times. Learning to sit with our feelings helps build resilience, while pushing them down builds more anxiety. 

- Intentionally and consistently replacing catastrophic thoughts with empowering thoughts.

- Practicing self-compassion. No judgment, just heartfelt compassion expressed inward.

- Reaching out to your community with a helping hand and allowing others to help you.

- Consciously and regularly focusing on and expressing gratitude for the people and things in your life.

- Journaling your progress as you learn to be more resilient. What are you noticing as you use your tools to awaken your resiliency?

- Reading and viewing positive, uplifting messages.

- Calming practices such as meditation and conscious breathing.  Try the short meditation uploaded in this post, called, Gather Inward.



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